MATLAB: Alternative to “round” for accurate accumulation


I have a vector
A=[0.970, 0.486, 0.439, 0.0143, 0] % Ref vector from Algorithm-1
B=7 % Final sum expected from A
A1=A/sum(A) % Proportionate for sum==1
B1=[4 2 2 0 0] %Sum is 8 (not 7)
The objective is to convert vector A into integer such that the sum is B=7. Is there any matlab function by which sum of 7 can be achieved. Or can you please suggest other way. Kindly note that A changes in every iteration.

Best Answer

>> n = fzero(@(k)sum(round(A*k))-7,[0.01,100])
n = 3.4811
>> V = round(A*n)
V =
3 2 2 0 0
>> sum(V)
ans = 7