MATLAB: Alternative to bitshift(A,k,N) as in 2014a , it gives a warning and I would like to avoid using it. But cannot understand alternative suggested.

2014abinary shiftbitshiftMATLAB

I have a binary number
% code
a = uint8(88) , b = dec2bin(a) --> b = 1011000
I would like to just get consecutive 11 without using bitshift(a,-3,2).
As in 2014a it gives following warning: Warning: BITSHIFT(A,K,N) will not accept integer valued input N in a future release. Use BITSHIFT(A,K,ASSUMEDTYPE) instead.
I cannot understand how to use bitshift(A,K,Assumedtype) for this issue.
Any idea how to get away without warning so that I am okay for newer versions.
Thanks for your help. Nirav

Best Answer

If you need to truncate and return only 2 bits after shifting you can "bitand" the result with appropriate number.
for last bit, you use 00000001 --> 1
for last 2 bits, 00000011 --> 3
for last 3 bits, 00000111 --> 7
and so on
For example to get last 2 bits after right shifting 3 bits
bitand( bitshift(a,-3,'uint8') , 3)
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