MATLAB: Alternative for a for loop. How to write this code without using a for loop

for loopMATLABvectorization

function approx = approxCosineFunction(x, t)
for i=1:1:t-1
addterm = (-1)^i*(x^(2*i))/factorial(2*i);
approx = approx + addterm;

Best Answer

To get the correct result, you need to make that divide an element-wise divide, and then add up the resulting terms into approx. E.g.,
addterm = (-1).^(1:1:t-1).*(x.^(2.*(1:1:t-1)))./factorial(2.*(1:1:t-1)); % <-- changed / to ./
approx = approx + sum(addterm); % <-- added the sum( )
But this will just give you the last approximation. If you wanted to return a vector containing all of the intermediate results as well, you could use cumsum instead. E.g.,
approx = approx + cumsum(addterm);