MATLAB: Alternate to using “find” to determine indices

finding indicesMATLAB

I have three logical vectors that reflect some characteristics of a modelled set of items.
At one point, I determine a small set of items that have a certain characteristic, but not two others, using find to determine their indices:
smallList=find(iList & ~rList & ~dList); %iList, rList, and dList are logical vectors
Is there a way to determine their indices using logical indexing or something else faster than find? I've had trouble wrapping my head around how I might achieve that.
Thank you for considering, David

Best Answer

"Is there a way to determine their indices using logical indexing...?"
Yes, and logical indexing is usually a better way to index than using a linear index or subscripts, and you've already discovered how to do it :)
logicalIndex = iList & ~rList & ~dList;
" I've had trouble wrapping my head around how I might achieve that."
Here's a general demo
data = rand(5,10); % random values between 0 and 1
idx = data <0.5; % logical index of values less than 0.5
data(idx) = NaN; % Replaces values < 0.5 with NaNs