MATLAB: Allocating values in a 3D array using nested for loops

data arrayfor loopsnested for loops

I've created a 3D array (A) of zeros with dimensions : A=zeros(3,2,4). Using nested for loops I need to overwrite their values so the first value on the first page is 24, and all other values reduce by one each time.
24 23
22 21
20 19
18 17
16 15
14 13
Other than pre-allocating A I have no idea where to start, any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

Since this is apparently a homework assignment, I will get you started. Since the requirement is to use nested loops, I assume the instructor wants a loop for each index. So here is the outline, one loop for each index:
for z = __:__
for y = __:__
for x = __:__
A(x,y,z) = ____;
I will leave it to you to fill in the blanks.