MATLAB: Aligning 5 second interval data of continuous time to the same interval

arrayfiring rateintervaloverlaytime

I have an array of times at which neurons are firing, spike times, that are all 5 second intervals. However, these intervals are increasing due to the data recording being done at the same time. Is there a way I can zero these five second intervals so that there time stamps are over the same time scale, say 0 to 5 seconds. Basically take 5 second intervals of time stamps from 16-21 seconds or 19-34 and 'zero' them from a 0 to 5 second scale. The attached matrix has an example of time stamps within some five second intervals. The overall goal is to overlay these spike times to look at the firing rate and density etc.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if I need to clear anything up.

Best Answer

I’m not sure what you want to do. Your data are also not easy for me to interperet, because they lack a time base.
See if something like this works:
d = load('Heath Robinson spks.mat');
spk = d.spk;
for k1 = 1:size(spk,2)
thrsh = mean(spk{k1}(1:5)) + 5*std(spk{k1}(1:5)); % Define Threshold
dep(k1) = find(spk{k1} >= thrsh, 1, 'first'); % Initial Value Exceeding Threshold
plot([1:size(spk{1},2)], spk{1}, dep(1),spk{1}(dep(1)), 'r^')
hold on
plot([1:size(spk{2},2)], spk{2}, dep(2),spk{2}(dep(2)), 'r^')
plot([1:size(spk{3},2)], spk{3}, dep(3),spk{3}(dep(3)), 'r^')
hold off