MATLAB: Aligning 3 Images (Separated R,G,B)

image analysisimage processingImage Processing Toolbox

Hey there. I'm having a bit of trouble with aligning multiple images using the imregister and imfuse. I have 3 separate images, for the red, green, and blue spectrum but they are each offset from each other, so using the cat function creates artifacts since the objects are not aligned. I can get the images to align themselves mostly correctly, but when showing the final image it looks just like a greyscale image.
Some images of a sample object are below in the RGB order.
% Parameter Configuration
[optimizer, metric] = imregconfig('Multimodal');
% Combining blue and green bands, with green as reference
blueGreenBandRegistered = imregister(blueBandImage, greenBandImage, 'Similarity', optimizer, metric);
% Combining the red band with green band
redGreenBandRegistered = imregister(redBandImage, greenBandImage, 'Similarity', optimizer, metric);
% Combine them into one image
image1 = imfuse(blueGreenBandRegistered, greenBandImage);
image2 = imfuse(redGreenBandRegistered, greenBandImage);

Best Answer

Show the final RGB image. Because the left image is brighter around the really bright bars, the RGB image should be red there (assuming the left image is the red channel image).