MATLAB: Algorithm used to find centroids in regionprops.

algorithmcentroidsimage processingImage Processing Toolboxregionprops

I used regionprops to find centroids in image processing. But now I have to put algorithm to show how code works to find these centroids. Someone please tell me the algorithm used for the same.

Best Answer

It's a good question but I don't know that we have an answer. I know the area from regionprops is simply the pixel count, because it says so, unlike bwarea which gives the area differently depending on how many pixels are on the outer edge of the blob. Now the unweighted centroid formula is normally just the average of the x and y coordinates of all the pixels in the blob, but whether they weight pixels differently depending on whether they are near the edge (background) is not stated.
Another flavor of centroid, the weighted centroid is just sum(g*x)/sum(g) - where g is the gray level. Note how the g "cancels out" so you're left with something with units of x. The weighted centroid may be further weighted by whether a pixel is near the edge. That said, I don't think they weight pixels differently depending on their adjacency to an edge like they do for bwarea(), though I'm not 100% sure.