MATLAB: Algorithm parameter of solve ignored

algorithmchange defaultMATLABoptimoptionssolve(prog)

Using Problem-based linear solver linprog. Trying to pass Algorithm interior-point. Algorithm used is dual-simplex.
x1 = optimvar('x1'); %

x2 = optimvar('x2'); %
x3 = optimvar('x3'); %
x4 = optimvar('x4'); %
x5 = optimvar('x5'); %
prob = optimproblem('Objective',10*x1 + 2*x2 + 4*x3 + 8*x4 - x5,'ObjectiveSense','min');
options = optimoptions('linprog','Algorithm','interior-point');
% Constraints
prob.Constraints.cons1 = x1 + 4*x2 - x3 >= 16;
prob.Constraints.cons2 = 2*x1 + x2 + x3 >= 4;
prob.Constraints.cons3 = 3*x1 + x4 + x5 >= 8;
prob.Constraints.cons4 = x1 + 2*x4 - x5 >= 20;
prob.Constraints.cons5 = x1 >= 0;
prob.Constraints.cons6 = x2 >= 0;
prob.Constraints.cons7 = x3 >= 0;
prob.Constraints.cons8 = x4 >= 0;
prob.Constraints.cons9 = x5 >= 0;
problem = prob2struct(prob);
[sol, fval, exitflag, output] = solve(prob)
Optimal solution found.
sol =
x1: 0
x2: 4.0000
x3: 0
x4: 10.0000
x5: 0
fval = 88
exitflag = OptimalSolution
output =
iterations: 7
constrviolation: 3.5527e-15
message: 'Optimal solution found.'
algorithm: 'dual-simplex'
firstorderopt: 1.4211e-14
solver: 'linprog'

Best Answer

You are passing the options incorrectly. See this example on the solve function reference page.
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation