MATLAB: Aircraft deplaning and centre of gravity

mathematicsmatricesmatrixrandomrandom number generatorsimulation

Hi guys, I have the following so far:
D=[A B C]
I am working on aircraft deplaning and how the centre of gravity changes when passengers start to deplane the aircraft. I am simulating the A320 as a 30*7 matrix as it can be seen from the above. I am new to Matlab and would like to know how to perform the following:
1-the 30*7 matrix shows passengers seated in different seats where 1 is and empty seats are zeros. I want to simulate passengers getting off the aircraft and the ones become zeros. 2- a code that can calculate and track where the centre of gravity is and how it changes with respect to time.
Any help is very highly appreciated because I am stuck and need help with it.

Best Answer

You cannot meaningfully calculate changes in center of gravity without modeling the existing weight distribution of the fixed portions, and the weight of the individual passengers (including luggage), and indeed the dynamic motion of the passengers moving through the plane, taking into account that they never simply deplane one at a time with the others staying seated until the previous is gone.