MATLAB: Aggregate coverage data for multiple unit test models

coverageSimulink Coverage

hello all,
I am trying to aggregate the coverage data for a referenced model which is shared in two (or more) unit test models. I was wondering how to aggregate the coverage data when running both unit tests.
I have tried the following code:
% modify the data dictionary used by the unit test model and referenced model

% modify the data dictionary used by the unit test model and referenced model
For both unit test models coverage is enabled for the referenced models, thus recording the coverage for the shared reference model. However this approach doesn't work because the concatenation of the cvdata object is failing.
Anyone has a clue how to solve this?
thanks in advance, Han Geerligs

Best Answer

Hi Han,
That is correct. When trying to use the + operator on cvdata from different models, you will get an error.
I recommend contacting MathWorks Support . They might be able to help you with your workflow, though there is no workaround for combining coverage results from different models.