MATLAB: (Again) plots do not appear on the graph

graphMATLABplottingwhile loop

I am trying to solve a simple problem. I have a bunch of data in neat little columns. So, if a particular record has the value "Dealer" in it's 'Seller' column, I want that particular record's data to be plotted using blue colored markers and green if the "Seller" column does not have "Dealer" for that particular record.
I hashed out some code, but it is not working. The graph appears, but no plots.
while i < 302
if Seller(i) == "Dealer" % __[1]
plot(year(i), distance(i), '.b') % ___[2]
Hold on;
i = i + 1;
plot(year(i), distance(i), '.r')
Hold on;
i = i + 1;
I have tried using the commands [1] and [2] Individually and they seem to be working but the whole thing does not work at all….
My data is very simple table. distance and year are like ===>
But in seperate columns. Note that the 0's at end are there because I just divided all values by 1000.
Any help?

Best Answer

Without data it’s difficult to tell. You tried set a break point and see if it ever appears any points?
Based on your description I think you prob don’t need a while loop.
plot(year(Seller == Dealer), distance(Seller == Dealer), '.b');
hold on;
plot(year(Seller ~= Dealer), distance(Seller ~= Dealer), '.r');