MATLAB: After a condition of X amount of iterations, if fail then do another function

conditionalif statement

How would I go about implementing that:
Given an interval (a,b) and iterating it through multiple functions:
If the 5th successive iteration had not reduced the interval then a different function is used for the next iteration.
Overall how do I make a conditional statement that if the original interval given hasn't been reduced through an X amount of iterations, then another function would be done?
I understand this may be vague.
I am trying to implement this into the brent's method:
function brent( a, b, f, tol)
if FA*FB >= 0
error('the root is not bracketed.')
% Compare the |f(a)| and |f(b)| to see which...
% is closer to the x-axis by swapping
if abs(FA) < abs(FB)
temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;
% For first iteration
% Need 3 values so we will set c = a, to provide ...
% a, b ,c (technically a, b, a) but this will fail ...
% the conditional statements for interpolation...
% where f(a)~=f(b)~=f(c) (aka they cannot all be equal)...
% or else the denominator goes to 0, hence bisection...
% is forced.
c = a;
mflag = 1;
delta = tol;
while abs(b - a)>= tol
i = i+1;
if (f(a) ~= f(c)) && (f(c) ~= f(b))
s = a*((f(b)*f(c))/((f(a)-f(b))*(f(a)-f(c))))...
s = b - f(b)*((b-a)/(f(b)-f(a)));
% Conditional statements for bisection step
% Do the opposite of inequality statements ...
% to force bisection.
%%%% This is where I believe I should put the iteration condition but I'm unsure %%%%
if s > b && s < (3*a+b)/4 ||...
(mflag == 1 && abs(s-b)>0.5*abs(b-c))||...
(mflag == 1 && abs(delta)>abs(b-c))||...
(mflag == 0 && abs(s-b)>0.5*abs(c-d))||...
(mflag == 0 && abs(delta)>abs(c-d))||...
(mflag == 1 && abs(f(s))/2 >= abs(f(b)))
s = (a+b)/2;
mflag = 1;
% when true, then bisection ^
mflag = 0;
% otherwise, do interpolation ^
% Calculate f(s)
% Handling ill-behaved functions by adding another...
% variable d, which is the pervious value of c.
d = c; c = b;
if f(a)*f(s) < 0
b = s;
a = s;
if abs(f(a)) < abs(f(b))
temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;
fprintf('Root is = %d, ending at the %d iteration', s, i)

Best Answer

I'd echo the point made by Rik, that a variable named true, that may in fact be false is a really, really bad idea. It is asking for a bug to happen, one that you will never figure out.
As far as the question goes, that part is trivial.
Maintain a counter, that is updated each iteration ONLY if the interval has not been reduced in size. On any iteration where the size does get reduced, then set the counter to 0.
If that counter ever reaches 5, then you perform a bisection step (or whatever). After the bisection step, reset the counter to 0.