MATLAB: Advice on processing raw gait data

force plategaitraw data

I collected gait data using a force plate several years ago as a part of an experiment. The data is raw data, a sample of which I am attaching in an excel file. As I have very limited experience in MAT LAB, (however I would really really like to learn) i would appreciate any insights into this data and on how to proceed with it so that I can extract parameters such as step length, stride length and cadence etc to come to some conclusive results and findings.
i hope i am not being too ambitious, but i would really appreciate any help on how to proceed further.
Thanks a lot! Jen

Best Answer

Getting the data and variable names is straightforward:
[d,s,r] = xlsread('jennifer aniston Gait Data.xls');
var_names = s(11,:);
What am I looking at? What experiment did you do?
What are the data? (Force is obvious.) What are x and y? They seem to be displacements, but how to they factor into all this?