MATLAB: Adsorption Modelling – Solving PDE – Axial Dispersion Model

adsorptionaxial dispersionchemical engineeringcoupledcoupled pdeslinear driving force modelMATLABmodellingpartial differential equationspressure swing adsorption

Dear all,
I am trying to develop a simple model for an adsorption column. I have attached a file that contains the equations that I am trying to solve.
To solve the system, I am trying to solve the axial dispersion model (neglecting pressure drop, and hence, the dv/dz term) alongside the Linear Driving Force (LDF) model, which gives an expression for dq/dt in the axial dispersion PDE (see attached file). I am also using the Langmuir equation to give an expression for q* (equilibrium concentration) in the LDF equation.
Unknown variables are q and c, all other variables are known (i.e. D, v, epsilon etc.( / are the independent variables (i.e. time, t, and length, z).
I have tried using the Method of Lines to solve this system (again, see attached file), but I am aware that the system I have developed is flawed.
Any suggestions on how to approach this problem would be appreciated. I would preferably like to solve the system using either a PDE solver or ode45 applied to the method of lines.
My code so far is as follows:
Data File:
D = 3*10^-8; % Axial Dispersion coefficient
v = 1*10^-3; % Superficial velocity
epsilon = 0.4; % Voidage fraction
k = 3*10^-5; % Mass Transfer Coefficient
bH = 2.5*10^-5; % Langmuir parameter for H2
L = 1; % Column length
%%MoL Coefficients & Mesh Generation
N = 20;
dz = L/N;
z = [0:dz:L];
% MoL Coefficients from Discretisation
alph = ((D/(dz^2)) + ((v)/(2*dz)));
bet = ((-2*D)/(dz^2));
gamm = ((D/(dz^2)) - ((v)/(2*dz)));
%%Initial / Boundary Conditions
% Initial condition for ODE 1:
c0 = 0; % C at t = 0 for all z
% Boundary Condition for ODE 1:
cFeed = 10; % C at z = 0 for all t
qs = (1+bH*cFeed)/(bH*cFeed); % Conc. of adsorbed phase at surface saturation
% Initial Condition for ODE 2:
q0 = qs*((bH*cFeed)/(1+bH*cFeed))-1; % Initial concentration in adsorbed phase
% Time Boundaries
t0 = 0;
tf = 10000;
% Initial equilibrium conc.
qeq0 = qs*((bH*c0)/(1+bH*c0));
dq0 = k*qeq0;
Solving using ODE45:
close all
clear all
% Call Data File
tspan = [0:10000];
[t,c] = ode45('cprime', tspan, c0);
Cprime file
function [ dcdt ] = cprime(~, c)
% Call data file to define constants
q = q0;
[dqdt] = qprime(t, q, k, qs, bH, c);
%%Create Tri-diagonal Matrix A
A = zeros(N,N);
for i = 2 : N-1
A(i, i-1) = alph;
A(i, i) = bet;
A(i, i+1) = gamm;
A(1,1) = bet;
A(1,2) = gamm;
A(N,N-1) = alph+gamm;
A(N-1, N) = gamm;
A(N,N) = bet;
b = ones(N,1);
b(1) = cFeed*alph-((1-epsilon)/(epsilon)*(k*(qeq-q)));
dcdt = (A*c + b);
qprime file:
function [dqdt] = qprime(~, q, k, qs, bH, c)
qeq = qs*((bH*c)/(1+bH*c));
dqdt = k*(qeq-q);
I am really struggling to figure out how to structure my code / approach these equations.
Any help would be muchly appreciated!

Best Answer

The code I provided here for a very similar problem might help:
Best wishes
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