MATLAB: Admin center doesn’t recognize all cores.

admin centermulticoreParallel Computing Toolbox

Hi I have a 8core cpu.when I try to use it in my cluster, admin center recognize just 4 cores however I disabled parked property of cores in Windows. thanks in advance

Best Answer

Question 1:
How to find if you have hyperthreading:
Google the processor spec, and you'll likely be taken to a vendor page (Intel or AMD), or perhaps Wikipedia. The spec should tell you.
If you don't want to go that route, change the setting in the BIOS to enable or disable hyperthreading and compare the number of processors before and after. This will require a reboot.
Question 2:
It's very difficult to predict performance without actually trying it. In many cases for big computing loads, I've personally found that the number of "real" cores is what matters. For some computing, the hyper-threading can help -- but only you can know if it will help with your particular problem.
Keep in mind that the number of workers started is a default. You may find that you get better performance with less than the default just as you might find better performance with more. It's entirely possible that your problem could be bound by memory, disk performance or network performance and not just CPU performance.