MATLAB: Addtion with 2×1 Vector and 2×3 Matrix

addition with different dimensionsaddition with vectorsMATLAB

In the 2017a documentation, I find that you can "Create an array, A, and add a column vector to it. The vector is treated as though it is a matrix of the same size as A, so that each element in the vector is added to a row in A."
I am using an older release of Matlab (2015a) and this operation does not work for me. I get the following error:
Error using + Matrix dimensions must agree.
Can anyone tell me how to perform this operation on an older release, and exactly which release was this new functionality available?

Best Answer

The new method was introduced in R2016b. See e.g. Loren: arithmetic-expanding. Use bsxfun for older Matlab versions:
A = rand(2, 3)
b = rand(2, 1)
R1 = bsxfun(@plus, A, b) % Matlab < 2016b
R2 = A + b % Matlab >= 2016b
bsxfun was introduced in 2007a. Before the array way expaned by repmat or ones:
R3 = A + b(:, ones(1, 3))
R4 = A + repmat(b, [1, 3])
The ones-method was processed efficiently by Matlab's JIT acceleration: The timings looked like Matlab does not waste time with creating the expanded array explicitely, but the addition was performed directly. But this is an assumption only: The JIT was never documented exactly.