MATLAB: Addlistener error: Undefined function for input arguments of type ‘matlab.ui.Figure’.

addlistener matlab listener

I am using addlistener in my openingFcn like this
handles.viewCAM_handles.listener = addlistener(viewCAM_handles.slider_master,'Value', 'PostSet',@(eventdata,viewCAM_handles)slider_master_continuousCallback(hObject,eventdata,handles));
But i get the error: Undefined function 'slider_master_continuousCallback' for input arguments of type 'matlab.ui.Figure'. Why can't I use a figure as input argument for my callback? What should I use instead, I tried with hObject but it gave me the same error.

Best Answer

I do not know why you are getting that error, but you need to change your code:
handles.viewCAM_handles.listener = addlistener(viewCAM_handles.slider_master,'Value', 'PostSet', @(hObject, eventdata) slider_master_continuousCallback(hObject, eventdata, handles));
and keep in mind that the handles that will be passed will not include handles.viewCAM_handles.listener because it will be passed by value with the value as of the line before (because the right hand side is evaluated before the left)