MATLAB: Adding two node labels to graph

graphgraph theorylabel;MATLABnodeplotting

I've the following graph
t = [1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 6];
h = [2 3 4 5 3 6 6 5 7 7 7];
H = graph(t,h)
H.Nodes.Name = cellstr(string(1:height(H.Nodes))')
H.Nodes.Value = (1:height(H.Nodes))';
plt = plot(H)
plt.Marker = 'o';
plt.MarkerSize = 15;
plt.NodeCData = H.Nodes.Value;
%second node label
By default, the names of nodes are added as node label in the graph, I'd like to know how to add a second node label .I'd like to position the first label above and second label below the node

Best Answer

There are lots of ways to do this. Here's a simple approach that uses labelpoints from the file exchange instead of labeling the nodes with the NodeLabel property. The labelpoints function is just a wrapper to the text() function that makes positioning of the text a little easier.
% Remove NodeLabels
plt.NodeLabel = {};
% Define upper and lower labels (they can be numeric, characters, or strings)
upperLabels = 1:numel(plt.XData);
lowerLabels = [0.12;0.13;1.24;10.24;2.3;4.56;1.00];
% label each node and offset the labels in the North and South directions.
% You can play around with this offset values ------vvv
labelpoints(plt.XData, plt.YData, upperLabels, 'N', 0.3);
labelpoints(plt.XData, plt.YData, lowerLabels, 'S', 0.3);
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