MATLAB: Adding two arrays of different sizes together evenly without messing cumulative sum.

additioncumsumcumulative sumMATLAB

I have 2 arrays.
A = [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 . . . . n] % Size 2402 x 1, assume in this case n number is 58
B = [18] % Size 1x1
C = [Cumulative output of A+B] % expected result starting from 0 and ending at 76 @ size of 2402 *1
A is a cummulative sum of energy consumed starting from 0 and ending at 58 kWh during 2402 seconds.
B is total auxiliary energy consumed during 2402 seconds. Please note B is not a cumulative energy. Its just a number in 1 x 1 array.
What I am trying to do is to add B to A evenly such that the result C can be a cumulative result starting from 0 and ending at 76.
I tried a lot of logics but nothing worked for me.
Kindly guide me in correct direction to acheive this result.

Best Answer

Based on the question, C should be a cumulative result starting from 0. So, it should be:
C = A + linspace(0,B,length(A));