MATLAB: Adding structs within structs in a larger scale (without having to manually specify every field name)


So, I'm not a very good or efficient coder, but I want to structure alot of data and i think structs within structs will be the easiest for me to work with. Say I want to add som specific structs to other struct fields in a larger struct, but have too many field names to work with to write them all manually with the cell2struct function, how would I do that? Can copy the full code I have for now, I'm happy for any input. The bottom for-loop is basically the relevant part, I want to add the struct TimeFrame to every Coin-field, and later on add the relevant data for each coin given each timeframe. (For now I do not load all data I want to have in the end, I'm working with a smaller subset for the time being)
%%Fix stuff
url = '';
symbols = load('BinanceSymbols.mat');
symbols = struct2cell(symbols);
symbols2 = {1:10};
for i = 1:10
symbols2{i} = symbols{1,1}{i,1};
symbols2 = symbols2';
%intervals = {'1h','2h','4h','6h','8h','10h','11h','12h','13h','14h','15h','16h','17h','18h','19h','20h','21h','22h','23h','1d'};
intervals = {'4h','12h','1d'};
intervals = intervals';
data = zeros(length(symbols2),length(intervals));
data = num2cell(data);
%%For-loop for data
for i = 1:length(symbols2)
symbol = symbols2{i};
for k = 1:length(intervals)
interval = intervals{k};
data{i,k} = webread(url,'symbol',symbol,'interval',interval,'limit',25);
%%Build struct
length1 = length(data{1,1});
t = struct;
Date4 = struct;
Close4 = struct;
Open4 = struct;
High4 = struct;
Low4 = struct;
Data4 = cell2struct({Date4;Close4;Open4;High4;Low4},{'Date','Close','Open','High','Low'},1);
Date12 = struct;
Close12 = struct;
Open12 = struct;
High12 = struct;
Low12 = struct;
Data12 = cell2struct({Date4;Close4;Open4;High4;Low4},{'Date','Close','Open','High','Low'},1);
Date1d = struct;
Close1d = struct;
Open1d = struct;
High1d = struct;
Low1d = struct;
Data1d = cell2struct({Date4;Close4;Open4;High4;Low4},{'Date','Close','Open','High','Low'},1);
TimeFrame = cell2struct(intervals,{'FourHours','TwelveHours','OneDay'},1);
Coin = cell2struct(symbols2,symbols2,1);
for i = 1:length(data)
Coin(i).TimeFrame = TimeFrame;
The struct then looks like this:
Coin =
struct with fields:
TimeFrame: [1×1 struct]
And i want the TimeFrame to be inside every coin as another struct and not as another field under the coin!
Thanks again for any input.
Edit: Added binancesymbols.mat

Best Answer

I don't really follow your code at all, but it seems to me that you would be better off using one simple non-scalar structure, rather then trying to nest structure with special fieldnames. Putting meta-data into fieldnames just makes accessing the data more difficult, especially when you try to loop over the structure later. I think you would be better off treating the meta-data as data in its own right and put it into fields as data, which then makes creating and accessing the structure simpler:
>> S = load('BinanceSymbols.mat');
>> Z = struct('name',S.BinanceSymbols);
>> [Z(:).timeFrame] = deal({'FourHours','TwelveHours','OneDay'});
And for example the first element of the structure:
>> Z(1).name
ans = ETHBTC
>> Z(1).timeFrame{1}
ans = FourHours