MATLAB: Adding single quotation to a string

add quotes to stringcharactercharacter arraydouble-quotesquotesstring

Hi everybody,
my code accept just this format of String –> filename='"GComScan_20200115_135716.sdb"' (first and last Quotes are single) why i dont know ?
i have tried with this command to get that, but the result was reverse, means first and last Quotes are dobble " ' ' " (without space).
filename = "'" + string(extractBetween(filename, "Scans\\", filename(end)))+ "'"quot.JPG
the right one;
How can I solve this issue? Thank you.

Best Answer

filename = sprintf('"%s"',string(extractBetween(filename, "Scans\\", filename(end))));
filename2 = '""'
filename is actually a character array, not a string (see Characters & Strings to understand the difference). The double quotes are part of the character vector. The outer single quotes are not part of the character vector; they actually define the variable as a character vector.
To see the actual content of the filename variable,
>> disp(filename)