MATLAB: Adding Lines to Several Plots


Hi Guys, I have 5 figures open and have used fill() to plot two areas on each figure. I now want to plot a single line on each on each figure. How would I go about doing this? would it be in the form
[ax,f1,f2] = fill(x1,y1,c1,x2,y2,c2]
So my question is: is there some way of adding a plot to an figure which is already open without having to re plot the original data.
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

You need to keep hold on the axes handle in each figure, then plot on them specifically:
plot ( axesHandle1, X, Y );
plot ( axesHandle2, X, Y );
plot ( axesHandle3, X, Y );
plot ( axesHandle4, X, Y );
plot ( axesHandle5, X, Y );