MATLAB: Adding label to axis ticks


How do I add labels next to the 3 180 xticks? Like sampleA for the first one, sampleB for the second, etc. Thanks!
>> xt = xticks
xt =
Columns 1 through 5
0 180 360 450 630
Columns 6 through 9
810 900 1080 1260
>> xtl=xticklabels
xtl =
9×1 cell array
{'0' }
{'0' }
{'0' }

Best Answer

Set the XTickLabel propery of the axis. Use newline to break apart a string into multiple lines.
Quick demo:
ax = cla();
ax.XLim = [0,4];
ax.XTick = 1:3;
ax.XTickLabel{2} = '180\newline A';
"\newline" inserts a line break within the label.