MATLAB: Adding information to a cell array without using a loop

cellcell arraycellfun

Hi all,
Hopefully there is a built-in function for this that I'm not finding.
I currently have an array of length Nx2. Let's say for example that it looks like this:
[1 2
1 7
1 9
2 3
2 4
4 1
5 8
5 9]
I want to make a cell array of size(max(Array(:,1)),1). So in this case it would be 5×1. Then, I want to cycle through Array and add the number in the 2nd column into the corresponding cell from the first column. In a loop, I would do it like this:
for i=1:length(C)
The result would look like this:
[2 7 9] [3 4] [ ] [1] [8 9]
My problem is that I have a very big array, about 100k in length. Is there a faster way of doing this without running a loop through? Perhaps using cellfun() or something similar?
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

C = accumarray(Array(:,1),Array(:,2),[],@(x){x}).'
Azzi's solution is typically the safer approach - safeguarding against non-integers and large values. However, for your application using these explicitly does what you want.