MATLAB: Adding columns to matrix using circshift by auto incrementing

circshiftincrementmatrix array

I want to develop a square matrix from a column matrix using circshift. Here is an example code:
Output: >> x
x =
0 3 2 1
1 0 3 2
2 1 0 3
3 2 1 0
I have to do similar for the order of 1200 instead of 4 so I want it to be automatic. Can some one please suggest how can I use loop of vector in this case?

Best Answer

You coud use a simple loop:
z = [0;1;2;3];
z_mat = zeros(length(z));
z_mat(:,1) = z;
for ii = 2:length(z)
z_mat(:,ii)= circshift(z,ii);
Initializing a matrix ( zeros ) is faster than appending vectors to a matrix.