MATLAB: Adding Color Under Certain Areas of Function Plot


I need to add color to certain areas under the plotted function but can not get anything I try to work. Help would be much appreciated.
This is what I have so far:
%% Part 1: Solar Radiation
h = 6.626e-34;
k = 1.381e-23;
c = 2.998e8;
t = 5800;
r_sun = 1.39e9/2;
r_earth = 1.5e11;
f_w = (r_sun/r_earth)^2;
L_sun =@(l) f_w*((2*pi*h*c^2)./l.^5).*(1./(exp(h*c./(l*k*t))-1));
%Plotting Function:
fplot (L_sun, [0,3e-6],'LineWidth',2)
title('Solar Spectral Irradiance','fontsize',14)
ylabel('Spectral irradiance(W*m^-^2)','fontsize',14)
axes('pos',[.4 .6 .5 .3])
%% Part 2: Energy Distrubution
%I added below ths line when using the bounds use the nanometers since
% we are in meters everthing needs to be conveted.
l = [0:0.01e-6:3e-6];
X = f_w*((2*pi*h*c^2)./l.^5).*(1./(exp(h*c./(l*k*t))-1));
Max = max(X) %maximum irradiance
%Energy recieved by region:
UV = integral(L_sun,0,0.38e-6)
Vis = integral(L_sun,0.38e-6,0.78e-6)
IR = integral(L_sun,0.78e-6,3e-6)
This is the plot I currently have:
Below is what I am trying to accomplish:

Best Answer

Try this:
% %% Part 1: Solar Radiation
h = 6.626e-34;
k = 1.381e-23;
c = 2.998e8;
t = 5800;
r_sun = 1.39e9/2;
r_earth = 1.5e11;
f_w = (r_sun/r_earth)^2;
L_sun = @(l) f_w*((2*pi*h*c^2)./l.^5).*(1./(exp(h*c./(l*k*t))-1));
patchfun = @(x,c) patch([x fliplr(x)], [L_sun(x) zeros(size(x))], c);
%Plotting Function:
fplot (L_sun, [0,3e-6],'LineWidth',2)
hold on
region_1 = linspace(0.1,0.4,25)*1E-6;
region_2 = linspace(0.4, 0.75, 25)*1E-6;
patchfun(region_2, 'g')
region_3 = linspace(0.75, 3, 25)*1E-6;
patchfun(region_3, 'b')
hold off
This is only the part of your code that is relevant to your Question. (The patch function requires a bit of practice to use.) Since the function call is the same for the various regions, I created the anonymous function ‘patchfun’, and then called it for each region.
Experiment to get the result you want.
Adding Color Under Certain Areas of Function Plot - 2019 12 13.png