MATLAB: Adding a plot to existing plot.


I have a base plot in which I would like to add a smaller version of a second plot/figure ontop of the base plot at a certain location.
The second plot (or figure) is already saved as a .fig file. How do I import the .fig file and its data and plot it as is but smaller (so it fits inside the base plot without hiding base plot data) onto the base plot?

Best Answer

Hi Lizan,
This could be a two-parter. First, load the figure, get its children, then get the x and y data of its children. Second, create a second set of axes and plot. Here is an example of getting children of current axes and plotting the data on a smaller inset axis:
hold on
ch = get(gca,'children');
x1 = get(ch(1),'xdata');
y1 = get(ch(1),'ydata');
x2 = get(ch(2),'xdata');
y2 = get(ch(2),'ydata');
axes('pos',[.6 .2 .25 .25])
hold on