MATLAB: Adding a masked subsytem to a model from script.


I am writing a program that automates the building of a simulink system. However when I try the following command:
add_block('built-in/Compare To Constant',[sys,'/compare'],'relop','~=','const','realmax(single)','Position',[100 275 200 325])
I get an error stating that a block compare to constant block doesn't exist. After digging a little I discovered that compare to constant is actually a masked subsystem. So my question is is there a way to add compare to constant, or a similar masked subsystem block, to a model from script directly or do I need to re-create the subsystem and then mask it in the code?

Best Answer

This is a little tricky. Right click the Simulink library at the library browser, choose 'Open the Simulink library'. Then double click the "Logical and Bit operations", select the "Compare to Constant" block.
Go to MATLAB Command Window, type source=gcb, you will see the full path of the block. It contains carriage returns.
Assume you have a new model called "untitled" open, run the line and you will see the block added.