MATLAB: Adding 0s and 1s to Bit Data

Image Processing Toolbox

I am using imgread to read binary 0,1 data and have to ultimately send it from an FPGA to a monitor using VGA Interface.The entire process would be greatly facilitated if I could add zeros to a 480×640 matrix(had to transpose original 640×480 because fprintf prints column wise ?).I want to know how to write 0 as 000 or 1 as 111 (corresponding to black and white RGB values)?
fid = fopen('3bitbinary.txt','w');

Best Answer

From what I understand, it sounds like you need to generate a m x n x 3 matrix and the easiest way might be to simply do a repmat of your matrix. It should look something like this:
output_matrix = repmat(input_matrix,1,1,3);
When writing to file, the values have to be written depth-wise so use:
fprintf('%d %d %d\n', permute(output_matrix,[3 2 1]))
I hope this helps!