MATLAB: Add ‘x,y,z,’ to first line of .txt output

coordinate systemtext file

Hi Folks,
I am working with Matlab code that writes coordinates to a text file as follows:
In the past, I've had to open each file individually and add the following to the first line of the .txt document:
x,y,z, 838959.41800,4713239.59000,1.00000,841305.41800,4708452.59000,1.00000,839175.41800,4712582.59000,1.00000
The following portion of the code I'm working with writes to file:
[flout] = strread(fileName, '%s', 'delimiter','.')
dlmwrite([outputdir 'Coords_' char(flout(1)) '.txt'],Listpos4,'delimiter',',', 'precision', '%.5f');
Any ideas on how to automate this process by embedding code which will write "x,y,z," to the first line of the Matlab .txt output?
Thanks much,

Best Answer

Use fopen(), fprintf(), fclose() to create the file and put the "x,y,z" into it. Then do the dlmwrite() to the file using the -append option.