MATLAB: Add uncertainty interval time-series

time series

I have time-series data of temperature along time.
I have plotted the data on a simple graph.
How can I make a band around the time-series temperature data on the graph to show a 0.1 ◦ C uncertainty in air temperature?
What code do you suggest?
Thank you.

Best Answer

Depending on the plot resolution, it could be difficult to see easily.
Try this:
time = linspace(0, 20);
temp = 20+10*sin(2*pi*time/15);
plot(time, temp)
hold on
patch([time fliplr(time)], [temp fliplr(temp)+0.1], [0.8 0 0], 'EdgeColor','none') % Plot +0.1 C Band
hold off
ylim([0 35])