MATLAB: Add text to data points in a circle plot


I have a 26×26 matrix called mdist of distances of 26 banks with themselves which i plot like this:
The thing is that i need to put the names of each bank in the data points so it looks like the following(mine does not have those names)

Best Answer

If you get the handle of GraphPlot
p = plot(G,'layout','circle');
Then you can get the x and y location of each node using
X = p.XData
Y = p.YData
However, If you want to add text at an arbitrary point, then you can make the xtick values visible and then use text() to add the text at the location you want
ax = axes();
A = randi([1 10], 50);
G = graph(A,'upper');
p = plot(G,'layout','circle');
ax.XAxis.TickValuesMode = 'auto';
ax.YAxis.TickValuesMode = 'auto';
text(0, 0.5, 'myText', 'FontSize', 14, 'Color', 'r')
And then you can again make them invisible using
ax.XAxis.TickValues = []
ax.YAxis.TickValues = []