MATLAB: Add text above grouped bars


I found a code that adds the numerical values of my bars above the bars in my plot, but I want to add a %-sign after the values, to highlight that the values are measured in percentage.
y1 = [0.0 3.3; 4.8 7.7; 19.3 6.6; 49.4 35.2; 26.5 47.3];
hBar = bar(y1,1);
for k1 = 1:size(y1,2)
ctr(k1,:) = bsxfun(@plus, hBar(1).XData, hBar(k1).XOffset');
ydt(k1,:) = hBar(k1).YData;
text(ctr(k1,:), ydt(k1,:), sprintfc('%.1f', ydt(k1,:)), 'HorizontalAlignment','center', 'VerticalAlignment','bottom', 'FontSize',14, 'Color','black')
Is there any way to do this?
Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

'%%' is the escape sequence for percentage symbol as shown here.
sprintfc('%.1f %%', ydt(k1,:))