MATLAB: Add signals to Selected signal list of a bus selector block by m script

bus selector

I have a bus selector in which there are 10 signals already selected as outputsignals.I want to select a 11 th signal to the selected signals.How this can be done using ma script.
Note : I done want to collect the initial 10 signals which are already selected and create a list with extra signal to be added(1 signal) that makes 11 signal list and use the below command to select all 11 signals. set_param(my_bus_selector,'OutputSignals',a);
I want to add the 11th signal with the already existing 10 signals.

Best Answer

You can use get_param and set_param on the block's "OutputSignals" parameter to make these modifications programmatically.
For example, take a look below. "gcb" denotes the currently selected block; you could use the explicit block name as a string if you wanted to.
First, get the original signals in the Bus Selector block.
>> origSignals = get_param(gcb,'OutputSignals')
origSignals =
At this point, you can concatenate the existing string with the remaining signal(s) you want to add.
>> newSignals = [origSignals ',s3,s4']
newSignals =
Then, reassign the new string back to the block.
>> set_param(gcb,'OutputSignals',newSignals)
>> get_param(gcb,'OutputSignals')
ans =
- Sebastian