MATLAB: Add patch to the background of a bodeplot


I've a little function in which I create a bodeplot, like this one:
function RequirementTest01
% create a bode plot
H = tf([1 0.1 7.5],[1 0.12 9 0 0]);
bodeHandle = bodeplot(H,{0.1,10});
Now I have the coordinates of a polygon, and I want to create a patch that should be inserted in the background of the plot. Something like the following figure:
How can I insert the patch in the plot?

Best Answer

Unlike the Signal Processing Toolbox freqz and freqs commands that produce ordinary subplot figures, bode and bodeplot do not offer any significant ability to change the plot (other than some of the options in bodeplot.
You have to get the magnitude and phase outputs from bode, then plot them yourself as subplots in order to insert your patch object.
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