MATLAB: Add pad array for image only to top and bottom

imageimage processingImage Processing Toolboxpadarraypadding

I want to add pad array to a given image, for top and bottom sides only. How can I do this
**I don't want black outline it is only for illustration
I have used this code but it appears in only left and right sides only
rgbImage = imread('image path');
[heigth,width,dim] = size(rgbImage);
if heigth>width
paddedImage = padarray(rgbImage,[0 calculatedWidth],255);
paddedImage = padarray(rgbImage,[0 calculatedHeigth],255);
*output image that I have got

Best Answer

Isn't the problem obvious if you read the documentation of padarray?
The first element of the 2nd argument of padarray is the padding top and bottom, the 2nd element is the padding left and right. You always specify 0 even when you want to add top and bottom.
Replace the second padarray call by:
paddedImage = padarray(rgbImage,[calculatedHeigth 0],255); %swapped the elements of padsize