MATLAB: Add n days to juliandate


Hello everyone!
I am using
planetEphemeris(juliandate(y, m, d), 'Sun', 'Mars')
to extract the position of Mars relative to Sun at a given date
y, m, d.
Now, I need to add a specific number of days to that date and extract the position of the new date. Apparently,
planetEphemeris(juliandate(y, m, d) + n, 'Sun', 'Mars')
does not work. What do I need to add instead of n to have the position of Mars in, say, 100 days after that date?
Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

Hi Asatur Khurshdyan,
According to documentation example juliandate() you may use caldays() to add calendar days to a datetime-date.
planetEphemeris(juliandate(datetime(y,m,d)+caldays(n)), 'Sun', 'Mars')
Kind regards,
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