MATLAB: Add items to popupmenu through code (GUIDE)


Hi. I am not too familiar with GUIDE yet, I just started using it. I want to add items to the popupmenu from a textfile. I found a way to do it using uicontrol(), but then I don't have the same options as I. What I do is:
handleToListbox = uicontrol('Style', 'popup','Position', [20 60 200 60], 'String', signalGenerators);
This creates a popup-menu with all the available signal generators listed in availableSignalGenerators.txt. I don't see how I could import entries like this in GUIDE. Please help!

Best Answer

I don't know what this means "I don't have the same options as I."
Anyway, just place a popup on your figure within GUIDE using the toolbar. Then set it's string value:
handles.popup1.String = signalGenerators; % If using R2014b or later
% OR
set(handles.popup1.String, 'String', signalGenerators); % R2014a or earlier
You can do that in either the OpeningFcn() or OutputFcn() - both get executed before your GUI is made available to the user.