MATLAB: Add header to the new extracted data from a table


Hello, I have a .csv file that contain odd characters (french accent characters). I read the file with readtable command. Now from the table i extracted only 4 columns and their values having dimension x1data[(1354×4 double)]. I now need to add header to this new table and save it. I form a cell array col [%dimenion(1×4 cell)]. It don´t happen to add it using ´join´,´vertcat´ or ´horzcat´. I tried to convert both the data and col into table but it still gives me error. Can anyone help me how can i add header to a new data extracted from the original file? here is my line of code:
data= readtable('my_file.csv');
x1data= [data{:,3}(:,1), data{:,4}(:,1), data{:,6}(:,1), data{:,9}(:,1)]; %select only the data of interest
col_header={'time in seconds','point duration','epoch size','stage'}; %header for the x1data
col=cell2table(col_header); % (1x4 table)
mydata=array2table(x1data); % (1354x4 table)
save the new table in new data
%csvwrite('16033NP3_ExtraitEvts.csv',col_header); %Write data and headers
Thank you

Best Answer

mahrukh, there are much simpler ways to do this, especially your use of subscripting. For example:
data = readtable('my_file.csv');
mydata = data(:,[3 4 6 9]);
myData.Properties.VariableNames = {'time_in_seconds','point_duration','epoch_size','stage'};