MATLAB: Add columns to the tables that stored in a cell

cell arraysMATLABtable

Hey all, I have a 40 x 32 cell named Cnew. On the other hand, I have a 1 x 32 table named lat and 40 x 1 table named lon. I want to add corresponding latitude (lat) and longitude (lon) columns to each table in front of the existing column. So the problem is founding corresponding latitude and longitude based on the place of each table, and add latitude and longitude column for them. I know it's maybe complicated so I use this little example to tell what I need:
As I attached Cnew, at this time Cnew looks like this:
But in essence, they are placed based on latitude and longitude so in fact:
Now I have lon and lat for this data in lon and lat table that I attached. for example:
Now I have just one column in every T that represents a value. I want to add 2 columns in each T, one for latitude and one for longitude. For example, Orange T has lon=44.25 and lat=24.25. Blue T has lon=44.25 and lat=24.75. Green T has lon=44.25 and lat=22.25. Red T has lon=44.75 and lat=24.25. Now I want to add related lat and lon as columns Inside each T.
I don't know how to do this.
Thank You so much.

Best Answer

"I want to add 2 columns in each T, one for latitude and one for longitude."
C2 is a 40x32 cell array of 336x1 tables. Is your goal to create a 40x32 cell array of 336x3 tables where the two additional columns are latitude and longitude values?
If that's what you're doing,
load('C2.mat') %loads variable C2, a 40x32 cell of 336x1 tables

load('lat.mat') %loads variable lat, a 1x32 table

load('lon.mat') %loads variable lon, a 40x1 table

C2LatLon = cell(size(C2));
for i = 1:size(C2,2)
for j = 1:size(C2,1)
n = height(C2{j,i});
C2LatLon{j,i} = [repmat(lon(j,1),n,1), repmat(lat(1,i),n,1), C2{j,i}];
C2LatLon{j,i}.Properties.VariableNames = {'lon','lat','data'}; % do you want to change the var names?
The result, C2LatLon is a 40x32 cell array. Each element is a 336x3 table. An example is shown below.
head(C2LatLon{3}) %show first few rows of table #3
ans =
8×3 table
lon lat data
_____ _____ _____
45.25 24.25 1.08
45.25 24.25 8.88
45.25 24.25 25.75
45.25 24.25 35.46
45.25 24.25 0.02
45.25 24.25 0
45.25 24.25 0.16
45.25 24.25 0.11
Super table format
However, organizing the tables into a supertable would be more organized and would require less memory.
Here's a variant of Star Strider's deleted answer.
load('C2.mat') %loads variable C2, a 40x32 cell of 336x1 tables
load('lat.mat') %loads variable lat, a 1x32 table
load('lon.mat') %loads variable lon, a 40x1 table
T = array2table(C2, 'VariableNames', lat.Properties.VariableNames);
T = [lat; T];
lon = [table(nan,'VariableNames',{'lon'}); lon];
T = [lon, T];
Here's a sample of what that looks like
ans =
8×6 table
lon lat1 lat2 lat3 lat4 lat5
_____ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
NaN {[ 24.25]} {[ 24.75]} {[ 25.25]} {[ 25.75]} {[ 26.25]}
44.25 {336×1 table} {336×1 table} {336×1 table} {336×1 table} {336×1 table}
44.75 {336×1 table} {336×1 table} {336×1 table} {336×1 table} {336×1 table}
45.25 {336×1 table} {336×1 table} {336×1 table} {336×1 table} {336×1 table}
45.75 {336×1 table} {336×1 table} {336×1 table} {336×1 table} {336×1 table}
46.25 {336×1 table} {336×1 table} {336×1 table} {336×1 table} {336×1 table}
46.75 {336×1 table} {336×1 table} {336×1 table} {336×1 table} {336×1 table}
47.25 {336×1 table} {336×1 table} {336×1 table} {336×1 table} {336×1 table}
Super Table 2 (Recommended)
This arrangement would be easiest to use. Replace row and column names with something more meaningful.
load('C2.mat') %loads variable C2, a 40x32 cell of 336x1 tables
load('lat.mat')%loads variable lat, a 1x32 table
load('lon.mat')%loads variable lon, a 40x1 table
[latMat, lonMat] = ndgrid(lat{:,:}, lon{:,:});
C = cellfun(@(T){T{:,:}}, C2);
LLT = array2table([latMat(:).'; lonMat(:).'], 'RowNames', {'Lat','Lon'});
T = [LLT; array2table(cell2mat(C(:)'),'RowNames',compose('Data%d',1:height(C2{1})))];
Here's a sample of the first 8 rows and 10 columns.
ans =
8×10 table
Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 Var5 Var6 Var7 Var8 Var9 Var10
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Lat 24.25 24.75 25.25 25.75 26.25 26.75 27.25 27.75 28.25 28.75
Lon 44.25 44.25 44.25 44.25 44.25 44.25 44.25 44.25 44.25 44.25
Data1 1.08 1.06 1.08 0.97 0.96 1.05 1 0.87 0.45 0
Data2 39.79 20.96 8.88 3.83 3.03 2.55 0.42 0.67 1.46 2.73
Data3 20.2 23.32 25.75 27.42 30.01 32.44 30.04 28.46 28.27 28.78
Data4 31.9 34.19 35.46 35.01 32.79 30.68 32.92 31.81 23.53 10.19
Data5 0 0 0.02 0.19 0.38 0.43 0.43 0.49 0.15 0
Data6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0.04 0.08