MATLAB: Add arrows to surface plot to represent wind direction


Hi there,
I am seeing a lot of information about the quiverm function but I only have my wind direction data in degrees and not in the u and v components. Is there a simple way to project a matrix of wind direction values (360 degrees) onto a sufacem plot? Perhaps there is a way to add and arrow and align it based on the wind direction value? I do not want to add magnitude as well, just direction.
Many thanks,

Best Answer

I'm posting an example as described in my earlier comment.
Code below creates a 10x10 grid of arrows that are all pointing at 120 degrees.
deg=120; % all points have same direction
% if you have a degree array the same size as x,
% you can use cosd and sind on "deg" without
% using repmat after
% you can multiply u and v by magnitude of required