MATLAB: Add a variable within single quotes


XLfile = dir('*.csv'); %List contents of the current folder
[~, index] = sort(str2double(regexp({},'\d+','match','once')));
XLfile = XLfile(index);
filename = {};
for k1=1:Num_of_files;
plot(x{1,k1}, y{1,k1})
fig = openfig('filename{1,k1}.fig');
Hello everyone,
I am wondering how I insert a variable inside single quotes.
Apparantly, the codes above (not complete codes. I just included essential parts) will not work. But I want to save figures with the n-th filename with extension of fig.
Thank you.

Best Answer

I have no idea what your ‘filename’ array is. If it is the name without the ‘.csv’ extension, something like this may work:
For example:
k1 = 1;
filename{1} = 'My File';
q = sprintf('%s.fig',filename{1,k1})
q =
'My File.fig'
Experiment to get the result you want.