MATLAB: Add a row above row nb ‘X’ in a cell array

add rowcell array

I would like to know if there is an easy way in Matlab to add a row above another in a cell array? This would corresponds to the function 'insert' in Excel which shifts all rows below down.
-Initial cell array= {'a','1';'b','2';'c','3'};
-Add row above row nb 2…
-Final cell array= {'a','1';'','';'b','2';'c','3'};
I have tried to to do it by concatenating a new empty one row cell array but of course this raises exceptions if I want to add a row above the first one or above the last one.
Thank you in advance for your help.

Best Answer

C(n+1:end+1,:) = C(n:end,:);
C(n,:) = {};