MATLAB: Add a large number of comma separated numbers to a txt file


I have a .txt file that has two columns. It looks like this
Age 3
Salary 52661
Average working hours 40
Conditions 1, 26, 65, 89, 20, 2, 2
I would like to add a row
Favorite numbers 2, 8, 66
Birdman has given an answer to this question in another topic.
fprintf(fid,'\n%s %d, %d, %d\n',"Favorite numbers",2,8,66);
Unfortnuately I forgot to add that the amount of doubles (in my case "favorite number"s) can be humongous (hundreds of numbers).
Is there a way to get the %d multiple times in the code without typing it out hundred of times.
I tried
a='%d, ';
rep=repmat(a,1,k) %k being the number of favorite numbers
fprintf([fid,'\n%s ' rep ' \n','Favorite numbers', vector_with_numbers]);
this doesn't work, just prints rep. Any ideas?

Best Answer

%d can be used repeatedly automatically, run this to see the effect:
fprintf(1,'\n%s ',"favorite numbers");