MATLAB: Add a known column to a matrix ‘n’ times without a loop

matrixmatrix manipulation

Hi Guys!
Is there a way of qriting the script below without the loop? I'm sure there's a way but I can't find it in the help section or the internet.
I want to add a known column of numbers to a matrix 'n' times.
Thank you!
clear all
a=zeros(5,6); % matrix a
b=zeros(m,n); % matrix b
b(1:10)=[8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10];
for i=3:n;
b(:,i)=[1 2 3 4 5];

Best Answer

b(:,k:n) = (1:5)'*ones(1,n-k+1);
V = 1:5;
b(:,k:n) = V(ones(1,n-k+1),:).';
more more
b(:,k:n) = repmat(1:5,n-k+1,1).';