MATLAB: Add a hyperlink in excell through matlab


Dear Matlabians!!!
I have build a script that adds a lot of data from multiple excels to one general excel. There is a huge amount of data that are being organize thus it is very important for me and the other users of the final excel to know from which files the data came from. Thus I have include the name of the initial excels on my final excel.
Is it possible now to put through matlab a hyperlink in my final excel that will link each name of the initial excels to there files in there separated folders? I don't want to do that manually as it will take years. To be able to extract the data in the first place I have to include there paths so I have there names and there path in the hard-drive.
i found a line of code that could do that but i really don't get how it could be of use.
Add = handle Add(handle, handle, string, Variant(Optional))
Thank you very much Alex

Best Answer

I think i found a way a little more easy. Because there is already a function in excel for hyperlink, I did
first: a list with all the names of the file and there path through matlab to be paste in excell
second: then by using strcat i was able to put in a loop the cells of the list and do a =hyperlink(cell1, cell2) string in matlab to be paste where i want the hyperlinks to be in excel and it worked
h = ['=Hyperlink(']
h1 = cell1number e.g A13
h2 = ','
h3 = cell2number e.g B13
h4 = ')'
makes '=Hyperlink(A13, B13)'
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