MATLAB: Add a certain row to each new row generated by same loop function ! HOW!

for loopif statement

How can I add a certain row generated by a loop function to each new row generated by same loop function? Thanks in advance!
for k=1:1:100
for i=x1:1:x3
% x1<x2<x3
if i<x2
% this is my (certain) row (at i=x2) to be added
% above row to be added to each row of below function:

Best Answer

input1 = randi([10 100],10,1); % Let your data
input2 = randi(9,10,1);
[j1 j2] = ndgrid(input1,input2);
[a ,b, c] = arrayfun(@(x,y)YourFunction1(x,y),j1,j2);