MATLAB: ADALM-PLUTO Radio Hardware Software Co-Design

adalm-plutocommunicationCommunications ToolboxEmbedded CoderHDL Codersdrsimulink

ADALM-PLUTO Radio has Zync SOC just like USRP E310. But the examples provided in the Hardware Support Pakage only includes host programming. Is it possible to program ADALM-PLUTO using "Hardware Software Co-Design" just like USRP E310 example? E310 Hardware Software Co-Design

Best Answer

Noam, Thanks for your reply.
I understand that FPGA resources of Pluto are very less but still I want to add some custom counter/ state-machine in the Pluto FPGA. I think they will fit in the available resources. I have studied the Mathworks documentation about registering the Custom Board but I am unable to find the required files e.g xps project on Analog Devices website. Can you plz guide me in this?