MATLAB: Actxserver reading only first file

actxserverhandling excel files

working with this code-
get_files = cellstr(get(handles.listboxfiles,'String'));
len = length(get_files);
for i = 1 : len
excel = actxserver('Excel.Application');
workbook = excel.Workbooks.Open(get_files{i});
Am not getting any error but Actxserver reads only first file from list. Listboxfiles contains name of the files with pathname. Something like this "C:\Users\ERTW\Documents\Excel_file\ARAN1.xlsm". Is something missing with excel.Workbooks.Open?

Best Answer

Have you verified that get_files actually contains more than one element. Is your listbox multiselect?
There is nothing wrong with your Workbooks.Open call and you'd get an error if excel failed to open the workbook. Of course, you overwrite the workbook variable on each step of the loop, so if you expected an array of workbooks after the loop is finished, you're not going to get one.
Note that your code starts a new instance of excel at each step of the loop. That's very inefficient. You would be better off with:
excel = actxserver('Excel.Application'); %start excel
%excel.Visible = true; %uncomment for debugging
for fidx = 1:numel(get_files)
workbook = excel.Workbooks.Open(get_files{i});
excel.Quit(); %Don't forget to quit each excel instance or they'll be left running in the background invisible
The best way for you to figure out what is going on is to make excel visible and see how your code affects the excel window.